Friday, March 9, 2007

Sequoia Crest

From Boy Scouts - ...
Sorry it's been so long since the last posting! I've been very busy at work and haven't had time to type up any of our weekends. So, here's a brief update on the Simi Cordes family.

Dana lead the scouts on their annual winter camp to Sequoia Crest this year. We had 19 boys and 6 adults go up to the snow for sledding and snow camping. The warming hunt was as welcoming as ever, and the boys had a fantastic time.

About an hour after we finished setting up camp, one of the boys broke his wrist on a sled run in the dark. It wasn't a very serious break, so we bandaged it up, and waiting until morning to take him to his parents.

You can reach the pictures of the event by clicking the picture above.

Jackson's day care person for the last 1.5 years (Ms. D.D.) is in the process of adopting a newborn baby that's due any day now, so she decided to close down. So, Jack started a new day day care this week (Ms. Jenni). It's a more structured school like environment with two care providers and a classroom like setup. There are 9-10 kids in total, but it's still in a residential setting. He seems to be doing just fine there.

We have a bad cold going through the household. Jennifer has been sick for about a week and a half, and Joey is just starting to come down with a bad cough. Jack got the cold and then an ear infection on top of it. Dana's been lucky so far, and has avoided it all.

Last weekend was the Boy Scouts 43rd annual Spaghetti Dinner. Dana was the main chef of the whole affair. Cooking began at 8am with chopping vegetables and getting the sauce going from scratch. We served somewhere in the order of 300 people (though it could have been more!). Everything went smoothly, and the food was very well recieved by scouters and guests alike. It was a great success, and will gross somewhere near $3000 for the troop and the boys.

Jennifer started up her latest college semester, and is taking a child development class.

We're finally making concrete plans to get the kitchen redone. We're buying cabinets from Ikea, and getting the floor tiled. Maybe even some new appliances, budget permitting.

We're also getting ready to welcome a new member of the family. An as yet unnamed Bernese Mountain Dog puppy. We expect to be able to bring her home in about 7 weeks, when she's 2 months old and about 20 pounds.
From Bernise

That just about sums it up!