Monday, February 5, 2007

Busy Weekend

Another full weekend!

On Saturday morning I cooked the World Famous Cordes Family German Potato Salad for Greg and Michele's engagement party. The party was great with many of their friends and family in attendance. Joey was a sport, and Jack held up well.

The party was at Greg's parents house, and in the back yard they have a small pond surrounded by small rocks. Jack LOVES throwing the rocks into the pond and knows he isn't supposed to. So, as an alternative I got him throwing ice from the tubs of drinks in. He would run over to the tub, grab one or two pieces of ice, then run over to the pond on throw them in. He did this for probably two hours straight. Helena started doing the same thing, except she would throw in the ice, and pick up a rock and toss it in as well. I guess the ice wasn't enough for her.

After that party, we went over to Nana's house for Casey's 21st birthday party. We didn't stay too long as we were all dead tired, and wanted to get Jack home and to bed. Happy birthday Case!

Sunday morning we went back to Nana's for a nice breakfast. It was Scout Sunday so Jenn and Joey went to the service at our local Methodist church. Jack and I hung out with Auntie Megan, Cubby, Nana and Casey. Jackson largely amused himself (and the rest of us) and we played a bit on the Nintendo. Nana, Casey and I played bowling a bit, and nana beat us handily. I've been playing video games for more than 20 years, and somehow she's beating us consistently. It's just not fair. =p

We spent a lazy afternoon at home with naps and some laundry. Joey and I watch most of "The Game" and then Jessica came over to watch Jackson while we went out to dinner at Famous Dave's. It was delicious.

We had originally intended to go bowling afterwards, but opted for Wii bowling instead. The four of us played a few rounds. Jenn won the first round, and I won the rest. So, I felt redeemed.

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