Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Slow Week

Nothing much happened this weekend. We worked around the house (yardwork, worked on garage a bit, got the roomba schedular working, etc).

On monday morning Jackson was visited by the pink-eye fairy, which apparently had sprinkled his little backpack with pink-eye seeds last week, and was just visiting to make sure they bloomed. And they did. Poor kid was a trooper, and behaved very well at the doctor's office. Though getting the eyedrops into his eyes was a different story.

So I stayed home from work on Monday to take care of him, and then Tuesday I had my own doctors appointment. I only had it very mildly, but was given drops just in case.

Great fun.

This weekend should be a blast, though! We're going with the Boy Scouts to Vandenburg AFB for camping, a base tour, and model rocket launching. I bought a big fancy rocket with a video camera in the nose that records the launch and retrieval. I'm pretty excited about sending that one up, and I'll post videos is the thing works. I've also built 4 other smaller rockets for any of the boys who don't have one, or who have problems. I guess our scoutmaster has built a big launch platform thingy that'll launch up to 6 rockets at once. It should all be very cool! And cold. It's supposed to be down to 38 degrees at night.

In previous years we've had nothing but the greatest level of cooperation with military bases. They've always been very happy to give us tours and let us use their services, but this year we had great difficultly getting them to commit to any kind of tour. They said they're stretched very thin by the war in Iraq, but it could just be they don't want to work on the weekend. Who knows...

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