Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Lots of really strange dreams last night. It was like the sleep I get while camping or in a fever. I was up about every 30m, and then up an hour before I needed to be. Couldn't get back to sleep. So, posting and catching up on email and such.

TV here is not as good as last time. I only have about 6 stations, and it seems like all are news shows, or these weird panel shows where there at least 4 people standing up talking about something. The funniest thing I've seen so far was a segment in on of those shows where they had an American guy trying to say Japanese words, and they had to guess what he was saying. Like he'd say "NUN-CHUCK", and they'd have to figure out that he was saying "nun chucku". They didn't know what he was saying about half the time. I'm used to dealing with people with bad English, so it funny to see the roles reversed.

Today's challenge will be staying awake during long meeting in a warm room, when all the conversation is in Japanese.

I think we might go to the Ueno market.

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